MBH TRAVAUX : Manage your works easily

Complete solution for craftsmen to easily manage their contractors and generate invoices and track payments

  • Client + 10 Clients
  • Date 01/01/2021
  • Services Web Application
  • Budget + 25 000 $
  • Duration 2 years

Présentation du projet

Mbh Travaux- It is a web application developed for a Swiss company specialized in works. It allows to :


This solution has been saled to several clients in Tunisia, Switzerland and France

Points on technologies​

This project is composed of two parts, FrontEnd part developed by Angular 8 and a BackOffice part developed by Laravel 7. Communication between these two parts is ensured by web services

Packages used on the Angular side
Packages used on the Laravel side

Video Presentation

Version 1.0
Demo (Client : Al Mahouri Rénovation)
Demo (Client : Major Transport - Movers)
Demo (Client : Du Tous Propre)
Demo (Client : Léman Débauchage)


  • Separation between backend part and frontend part. The communication between the two parties is done through RESTful type web services
  • Creation of a tailor-made application, I made several meetings with the client to identify his needs since they are specific for this client.
  • I consolidated my knowledge at the Angular level, throughout this project I tried as much as possible to create reusable Angular components so I had the opportunity to work with advanced Angular features such as: SubjectBehavior, @Input, @OutPut, Custom Directive , Pipes, I created my own DataTable, Viewchildren , ViewChild , ContentChildren , ngTemplateOutlet …
  • I have mastered the use of Git version management system, I have made +278 commits 🙂


Throughout this project to try to create a structure that adapts easily to any type of project for that I organized it in the form of contexts for example for this project I classified it under the context Works. With this structure, I had the opportunity to create a feature-rich application after only 6 months 🙂 .

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